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Jan Willem Baljet & Antonii Baryshevskyi presents CD Hugo Wolf Mörikelieder.

Tue. 30 April 2024 – 20:00 Splendor, Amsterdam (Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 116).

After their successful concert in January '23 with ao music of Hugo Wolf, where they tremendously enjoyed their mutual artistry, Jan Willem Baljet - baritone and Antonii Baryshevskyi - piano decided to record 13 songs of the genius, contumacious composer, set to texts of Eduard Mörike. Recorded by Splendors own technician Hans van Eck and with Splendors Jack-of-all-trades, wizard Mattijs van de Woerd as Tonmeister, this cd is a real Splendorcollaboration and the fifth jewel of Splendor records. A must-have for the true art-song aficionado. On this night, Jan Willem and Antonii will sing and play a couple of Wolf/Mörikesongs, will tell you about the creation of the CD, will issue the first official copy and, of course, you can obtain your own.

Jan Willem Baljet - baritone Antonii Baryshevskyi- piano

De Oekraïense pianist Antonii Baryshevskyi is uitgeweken naar Amsterdam, waar hij zich inzet voor klassieke muziek uit zijn vaderland. Tijdens het festival Winteravonden aan de Amstel brengt hij een indringende wereldpremière. 'Ik zoek composities volstormachtige gevoelens.'


Ukrainian pianist Antonil Baryshevskyi has moved to Amsterdam, where he is committed to classical music from his homeland. He will perform a compelling world premiere during the Winteravonden aan de Amstel festival. 'I am looking for full compositions stormy feelings.'

"The recital at the Muziekgebouw brings him a little closer to his country again. The program features a century of Ukrainian music history with works by four generations of composers: Borys Lyatoshinsky (1895-1968), Valentin Silvestrov (1937), Svyatoslav Lunyov (1964) and Maxim Shalygin (1985).

"Liatoshinskyi is the father of the modern Ukrainian school of composers. He began as a modernist, but fell prey to the antimodernism campaigns of the Soviet dictatorship and had to 'simplify' his music. Yet both his early and late work is deep and moving at the same time. Lunyov plays with all sorts of styles. I am doing parts from his cycle Mardongs, in which he walks through musical history, from the Middle Ages to the present."

And then there is his contemporary Shalygin, who lives in The Hague and who "brought" Baryshevskyi to the Netherlands. "His music has powerful feelings and colors. Sometimes I have the feeling that while playing, a door suddenly swings open to another dimension. Music is at its most beautiful when listeners can get lost in it, that afterwards you don't know exactly what happened to you, how long it took."



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