Jan Willem Baljet & Antonii Baryshevskyi presents CD Hugo Wolf Mörikelieder.
Tue. 30 April 2024 – 20:00, Splendor, Amsterdam (Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 116).
After their successful concert in January '23 with ao music of Hugo Wolf, where they tremendously enjoyed their mutual artistry, Jan Willem Baljet - baritone and Antonii Baryshevskyi - piano decided to record 13 songs of the genius, contumacious composer, set to texts of Eduard Mörike. Recorded by Splendors own technician Hans van Eck and with Splendors Jack-of-all-trades, wizard Mattijs van de Woerd as Tonmeister, this cd is a real Splendorcollaboration and the fifth jewel of Splendor records. A must-have for the true art-song aficionado. On this night, Jan Willem and Antonii will sing and play a couple of Wolf/Mörikesongs, will tell you about the creation of the CD, will issue the first official copy and, of course, you can obtain your own.
Jan Willem Baljet - baritone Antonii Baryshevskyi- piano